Name of beneficiary
- Semmelweis University (main applicant)
- Heart and Vascular Center (consortium leader)
- Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy
- Department of Biophysics and Radiation Biology
- Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology
- Twinmed Medical Systems Ltd.
- Mediso Medical Imaging Systems Ltd.
- Pharmahungary 2000 Ltd., Member of Pharmahungary Group
- Neumann Medical Ltd.
Project title
National Heart Program: Research and innovation in the diagnostic and therapy of ischemic heart disease and heart failure
Total financial support for consortium
3.299.426.997 Ft
Rate of support (percentage)
Planned project end-date
Full name
Neumann Medical Ltd. (previously Neumann Projekt és Szervezési Ltd.)
Company registration number
Tax number
e1. floor, CityLab, 31, Tűzoltó street, H-1094 Budapest
Project ID number
Project Summary
Despite the widely available pharmaceutical and instrumental therapeutic opportunities, ischemic heart disease and heart failure are still the most common causes of death in Hungary and in other countries in the European Union as well. The improvement of these health indicators could be achieved primarily through increasing the efficiency of prevention. The aim of the National Heart Program is to reduce the rate of deathcaused by cardiovascular diseases with the help of innovative and prospective diagnostic and therapeuticmethods and services. Our objective is to create a closely integrated interdisciplinary (medicine, informaticsand physics) and translational (extending from basic science to epidemiology) R&D platform with SemmelweisUniversity and four outstanding Hungarian enterprises (Mediso Ltd., Twinmed Ltd., Neumann Medical Ltd. and Pharmahungary 2000 Ltd.). The purpose of our research is to develop a technology that is able to assist personalized prevention and treatment in daily clinical practice.
The three pillars of the National Heart Program are the newly established research infrastructure, research projects and products and services for commercial use. The project, which involves cooperation with the leading cardiovascular research groups of the Semmelweis University, will substantiate stem cell-based diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, “multiomic”, personalized cardiovascular risk stratification and diagnostic methods as well as new device therapies of heart failure and identification of novel drug targets. The consortia develops new therapeutic (cardiac catheter), diagnostic (new PET/CT technology) and service (artificial intelligence-based new cardiologic and radiological platform for medical records) prototypes.